Subscriber Lookup

Archiver provides the ability to look up customer opt-in status and profile attributes in real-time (e.g. subscribed, deliverable, date added to contact list). Depending on your permissions, you may also be able to opt customers in and/or out of receiving emails and/or SMS messages in real-time. Subscribers may be searched by email address or mobile number (if the SMS feature is enabled for your account).

Note that this feature requires a role that has Subscriber Lookup permissions.

You can learn how to view your user permissions here. If you feel you have the wrong permissions, please reach out to your Archiver account Administrator.

Click on Subscriber Lookup in the main menu at the top of the page.

If you have an active search, it will show the subscriber’s results in the search. Otherwise, use the Lookup email text field in the upper left corner of the page to look up a subscriber’s status.

Subscriber Lookup in Main Menu Bar

The customer profile attributes that are displayed will vary depending on the data within your ESP contact list and your account settings, but a sample of results for a record may be:

    • When they were added to the contact list
    • Last time their record was modified
    • Opt-in status: either Subscribed or Unsubscribed
    • Deliverability status: either Deliverable or Undeliverable
    • Any additional contact list fields added for your account

Lookup Subscriber by Phone Number

If your account has SMS archiving enabled, you will see an icon to the left of the text field. Click on that icon to select SMS as your primary search type and enter the mobile number including the area code.

Subscriber Phone Number Lookup
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