Search Fields
You can narrow your records search by using various filters.
In this article
The Search Field options show up on the secondary navigation below the main menu.
The options are as follows:
Email Address or Mobile Number
This is a required field, except when you are searching using a custom filter that has been set up as a unique identifier.
Enter a customer email address in the Lookup email or SMS text field.
If you have SMS search enabled for your account, you can also enter a mobile number. Note that mobile numbers should be entered including all 10 digits. The format does not matter as (123) 456-7890 will be registered by Archiver the same as 123-456-7890 or 1234567890.
Date Range
Narrow down or expand the results by send date. By default, Archiver will search for messages sent in the last 30 days.
To choose a different range, click on any of the available choices. Or, click on Custom Range to specify the exact date range to search.
Archiver stores email messages for a default of two years, though your account may be set up to store messages for shorter or longer periods of time.
Filter Types
This search field lets you choose between different filter types. There are default filters set up for all accounts, plus custom filters that can be set up for each account as needed.
Default Filters
Subject Line and Campaign Name are filters available by default in your Archiver account
For Subject Line, any set of keywords can be entered in the text field. The search is not case-sensitive, and the result set will include records that contain any of the keywords. For example, if "Order 12345" is entered into the text field, your result would include records with subject lines like below:
- Your order has shipped!
- Thank you for your order #12345
- Thank you for your order #67890
The Campaign Name filter works the same, where campaigns matching any of the keywords entered will be in the result set.
An email address or a custom unique identifier is always required in tandem with these filter types.
Depending on your Email Service Provider, Archiver may provide additional default filters such as Campaign Type, Marketing Program, and Marketing Strategy.